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Community services

  • West Berkshire Therapy Centre

    Working in conjunction with the West Berkshire Therapy Centre we are proud to present to you the opportunity to use this wonderful facility for up to 7 sessions free of charge, including your introductory assessment session. After that it is asked that a voluntary donation is made on each visit. It is a great way to get fit, stay fit and meet new friends. If you would like to find out more please take a look at the website below or contact Charlie.

    07599 261272


  • Fibromyalgia Action UK

    Fibromyalgia Action UK is a registered charity run primarily by unpaid volunteers. The majority of volunteers are also fibromyalgia sufferers who work extremely hard, despite their condition, in order to forward the cause of fibromyalgia.  FMA UK was established in order to provide information and support to sufferers and their families. In addition, the Association provides medical information for professionals and operates a national helpline.

    0300 999 3333


  • Fibromyalgia Support Group

    Do you have fibromyalgia? If yes, join our support group:
    West Berkshire Community Hospital
    London Rd
    Benham Hill
    Thatcham RG18 3AS

    07789 708072 
    (weekdays only 10am to 8pm)


  • The Herbert Protocol

    The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme that encourages carers, family and friends to provide and put together useful information, which can then be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing.

    The Herbert Protocol

  • Falls Prevention

    Information about Falls Prevention and services provided by West Berkshire Council.

    West Berkshire Directory

  • West Berkshire Directory

    Your one-stop shop for help and support in West Berkshire.


  • Parents Mental Health Guide

    Being a parent is not always an easy task, however it can be so rewarding to see your child thrive and grow. To ensure that your child has the best opportunities it is vital for you both to understand mental wellbeing and the impacts of mental health stigma.

    Mental wellbeing (PDF)

  • MIND – Autism Spectrum Disorder Support

    Mind have created a toolkit for mental health service to help support people on the Autism Spectrum.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder Support (PDF)

  • Alzheimer’s Society – Side by Side

    Whether you’re a movie buff or a morning jogger, our Side by Side service is here to help you keep on doing the things you love – and try new things too.

    01189 596482


  • Gardening for the Brain – Ufton Nervet

    Do you or someone you care for have a diagnosis or Dementia?
    Come and join us for some gardening and nature related activities. Gardening for the Brain is for people with dementia and their carers enabling them to express themselves, have fun and socialise with others in a similar situation.

    01628 626331


  • Thatcham Support Group

    A new and informal support group for anyone having or had treatment for any cancer and their family, friends and carers.

    Meetings every Thursday from 10:30am to 11:30am at Parish Hall, Thatcham.

    07702 289473
    07887 525058

  • SEND Local Offer

    The Local Offer sets out provision which is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), aged 0 to 25, including education, health and social care services.

    SEND – Special Education Needs and Disabilities 

  • Sport In Mind – Berkshire West

    Sport In Mind – Berkshire West


  • West Berks Council Social Care Advice

    Helping you understand your social care options.

    Adult Social Care Advice

  • Fellas

    Fellas has been described as ‘a grown man’s youth group’, running every Tuesday between 12-3pm.

    Thatcham Baptist Church
    Wheelers Green Way
    RG19 4YF

    01635 867054

    – Fellas open the doors, get out table tennis, pool, darts and other games and enjoys some friendly competition.
    – People bring lunch and the kettle is always on.
    – All men are welcome.
    – Sessions are £2 and this covers drinks and ensures that we keep all the equipment up to date.
    – So why not come along and enjoy a game or two at Fellas.

    Contact: David Potter and John Andrews.

    Men’s breakfast
    Held on the 1st Saturday of every month from 8am. For further information contact Greg Smith on 07415 678392.

  • Postnatal Depression Support Group

    Did you know that 1 in 8 women face depression and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy and up to 2 years after having a baby? You are not alone! This group is for mothers to connect with other mothers for support. The group provides information, support and tools to make you feel like you again. See below for more information and to register for the group.

    Tuesdays, 10:30am to 12:30pm
    Thursdays, 10:30am to 12:30pm

    01635 760310

    Provided by Home Start, support and friendship for families in West Berkshire.

  • Dementia Questionnaire

    This questionnaire has been created to assess services available to people living with dementia in our local communities. Your answers will help us to understand how effective services are, what kind of difference they’re making, and how we can improve them.

    Please download, print and complete the form (PDF) and hand it in to our reception.

  • a2dominion

    Helps all victims of domestic abuse in West Berkshire, even if you are not currently in a relationship with your abuser.

    0800 731 0055


  • West Berkshire Vision for 2036

    The West Berkshire Council is developing its local plan and Vision for 2036.
    There is currently a consultation on what this Vision of our area will look like in 2036 and it will influence the plans and direction of travel of policies for the council, which will impact on us as local GPs, our population and of course those of us who live in the area.

    West Berkshire 2036 (PDF)

  • Fibromyalgia/CFS Questionnaire

    The number of young adults diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM), a condition which causes widespread pain and fatigue and loss of productivity, is steadily rising. We wish to survey amongst local practices and the West Berkshire area.

    Please download, print and complete our questionnaire (PDF) and hand in to reception.

  • West Berkshire Community Breastfeeding Support

    Breast Feeding Drop in’s in West Berkshire – we welcome fully or partly breast feeding mothers. Referrals can be made antenatally and postnatally from your midwife or health visitor, or call us directly yourself.

    0118 945 6157


    Drop-in Schedule (PDF)

  • Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) Support

    Younger People with Dementia in Berkshire are planning to offer local regional support groups for people with FTD and their families, friends and healthcare professionals, in partnership with University College London. If you live in Berkshire or any neighbouring counties and would like to join us in shaping this new initiative.

    YPWD (Berks)
    First Floor
    Unit 9 Indigo House
    Fishponds Road
    Berks RG41 2GY


  • Mental Health Support Directory for Children and Young People

    A wealth of information for children and young person’s emotional wellbeing and mental health support in Berkshire West.

    Local services (PDF)

Page published: 16 October 2024
Last updated: 16 October 2024