Chapel Row community service group

  • Bucklebury, Upper Bucklebury
  • Woolhampton, Upper Woolhampton
  • Midgham, Lower Padworth
  • Beenham, Brimpton


Monday, Wednesday, Friday

01189 713334
Between 9:30am and 11:30am

Who are we?

The Chapel Row community service group is a group of volunteers set up to help the elderly, the lonely and those in need, by such means as:

  • Transport for those unable to use public transport to and from the dentist, chiropodist and optician, etc; hospital visiting, essential; shopping.
  • Befriending the lonely, bereaved, housebound, handicapped and the mentally ill.
  • Keeping in touch with other organisations involved in similar work.

Can you help?

If you wish to help with any of these projects, please offer your services (0118 971 3334). You will be welcome of course, but not overburdened. Mileage is paid for driving work on receipt of application form. Also please contact us if you know of anyone in need of our services whom we may be able to help. Such people often have no voice. Unless you speak for them, we may never know. Their privacy will be respected.

About the group

The community service group, which was formed in 1980, is a registered charity, no. 288029, and is funded by donations.

Join us

Two lunch clubs for those living on their own are held at the Woolhampton Village Hall on the 1st and 4th Wednesday of each month at 12:30pm. Transport is available when needed.

Transport can be provided from Woolhampton to Chapel Row Surgery on Tuesday mornings for those without a car.

Appointments should be made in advance by calling the surgery.